In a rough draft of the conceptual underpinnings for his contribution to The Queue, the artist plans to build an enclosed structure that will resemble a cave/hermitage where visitors can seek a minor form of privacy.
The inflexible grid floorplan and the subversive program of the cultural compound known
as: The Philadelphia Institute for Advanced Studies, or simply P.I.F.A.S., was the initial gestation for
PIFAS PLACE and The Queue. This site‘s box vocabulary circumstantially resembles the horizontal floor framming of retail built environments and since P.I.F.A.S. already reconfigures outmoded idioms with a D.I.Y. approach (www.pifas.net), this venue became a practical choice for these paired projects that showcase and give form to alternative distribution and communication channels.
The arena of exchange that was PIFAS PLACE began as an adaptive challenge adressed to the
faculty members at P.I.F.A.S. to transform the internal parameters of their artist studios for commercial and/or cultural use. This mission was met with a sense of festivity and the result is the conception of 13 relational channels of intinsive encounters.Complementing this cluster of enclosed communication zones will be a project called: The Queue. This experimental exercise is essentially an infill of 15 kiosks constructed by non-faculty artists in the culambient space of P.I.F.A.S. Since many of the selected participants already apprentice themselves to the simple construction principles and/or bravura of product display, a sylistic coherance will lend itself in the creation of a sculptural constellation.
From July 10th- 31st, the plug-in dynamic of PIFAS PLACE and The Queue will create a tug-of-war between art and commerce, or simply a joining of hands between the two.
Artists participating in the PIFAS Place project include:
Tova Carlin and Luke Stettner
Sienna Cordoba
Audrey Culp and Katie Miller
Richard Davis
April Glaser, Lindsay Kovnat, Brian McKelligot
Brandon Joyce
Matthew Maycock and Joseph Zehner
Ben Phalan
Hillary Price
Manya Scheps
Lance Simmons
K-Fai Steele and Lauren Manogian
James Weissinger
Artists participating in the Queue include:
Sascha Braunig
Phil Cote and Jonathan Santoro
Brent Cowley
Jen Derman and Ariela Kuh
Erin Dunn
Alexandra Gorczynski
Jesse A. Greenberg
Lindsay A. Howard
Nick Payne
Liz Rywelski
Justin Samson
Matt Savitski and Nina Schwanse
Logan White
Andrew Jeffery Wright
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